Extreme flooding led to an unprecedented climate-induced disaster in Pakistan. We are on the ground delivering food, medical, and financial aid to those affected.
DONATE NOWPakistan Emergency: Our Response In Action
When the floods struck, we mobilised. Now we need you to take action. Find out more about our Pakistan Emergency Response.

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Build a Village in Pakistan
Our new village will give families living in dire conditions the chance to rebuild their lives in a place of dignity and stability. Give your support today.
In 2022, extreme flooding led to an unprecedented climate-induced disaster in Pakistan. This caused widespread fatalities, killed livestock, and ravaged and destroyed public and private infrastructure across the country.
Around 33 million people were affected, including at least 7.9 million people who have been displaced. More than 2 million houses were affected, comprising over 767,000 houses destroyed and nearly 1.3 million houses damaged.
As a consequence of the floods, the national poverty rate could increase by 4.5 to 7.0 percentage points, pushing between 9.9 and 15.4 million people into poverty and intensifying the poverty already faced by many.
In response to these growing needs, we applied the expertise we’ve gained on the ground in Syria, Yemen, Bangladesh and Somalia. Our aim was to transform lives and support those most in need.
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In the first phase of our response, we supported almost 8,900 individuals with temporary shelter including tents, tarpaulins, and hygiene support kits in D I Khan. In the second phase of our Emergency Response, we reached 12,000 people with access to clean water and around 6,500 people with hygiene kits containing items such as soap, toothbrushes, and sanitary pads.
Our emergency response also focused on food supplies for families who lost their livelihoods. We distributed food parcels and hot meals to the most vulnerable flood affected families in Pakistan. In the initial phase of the response, we reached 4,750 people with food assistance.
In addition, we provided basic health services by running mobile healthcare clinics in hard-to-reach areas. The mobile clinic conducted more than 6,000 consultations per month.
We also provided non-food items and shelter support to flood survivors ahead of the freezing temperatures who were homeless and living in critical conditions.
Donate NowOur Solar Well in Pakistan
Witness the impact of our solar water well in Pakistan after the devastating floods of 2022. This inspiring video showcases the resilient communities who now have access to clean, drinkable water.
With the solar-powered system, Action For Humanity ensures a sustainable solution while promoting environmental sustainability. We aren't stopping there, as the work has only just begun. Your support can make a significant difference in the lives of these affected communities. Take action today by supporting Action For Humanity and donating today.

In response to the devastating floods, we launched a a Non-Food Item (NFI) distribution project
to provide essential household items for those affected. The project aimed to distribute items such as blankets, hygiene kits, and cooking utensils to those in need.
We're also launching a shelter construction project to provide safe and secure homes for families affected by floods. In phase one, we will be constructing 20 one room houses with a kitchen, toilet, and open space protected with a boundary wall in the affected area. These shelters will not only provide a roof over their heads, but they will also give families the stability they need to rebuild their lives. We will also be installing solar water pumps to ensure that they have access to clean water.
The cost of building one shelter is £3,500. With your help, we can provide a safe and secure home for families affected by floods, giving them the hope and opportunity, they need to rebuild their lives.

We implemented a Food Distribution project in Pakistan in response to the severe flooding. The project provides urgent food assistance to families affected by the disaster, with a focus on those who were most vulnerable, including women, children and the elderly.
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We provided basic health services to vulnerable displaced people during the emergency. This comprised mobile clinics in flood-affected areas and primary healthcare services such as vaccinations, treatment for waterborne diseases and maternal and child health services.
We have also distributed essential medicines and medical supplies to local health facilities, ensuring that they have the necessary resources to provide quality care to affected populations.
Our health interventions have had a significant impact on the lives of affected communities. We have treated almost 6,000 patients, prevented the spread of disease, and helped to improve the overall health and well-being of people affected by the floods.

In the aftermath of the devastating floods, AFH worked tirelessly to provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services to affected communities.
We have installed water filtration systems and hand pump wells in flood-affected areas,ensuring access to safe drinking water for more than 12,000 of people. Additionally, we have constructed latrines and showers in camps for internally displaced persons, and have provided hygiene kits containing essential items such as soap and sanitary pads.
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