
Action For Humanity is on the ground, providing emergency aid to those impacted by the ongoing violence in Lebanon. The needs are escalating rapidly. As of now, we have recorded 500 fatalities, over 1,000 injuries, and countless displacements. We urge everyone to take action and donate to support those facing unimaginable hardship.



The UN reports that 2.5 million people, including Lebanese citizens, Syrian refugees, and Palestinian refugees, require assistance. Key issues include:

  • Food Insecurity: Over half the population faces food insecurity due to disrupted supply chains and decreased purchasing power.
  • Healthcare System: Hospitals struggle with shortages in supplies, staff, and funding, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Education: Many schools are closed due to lack of funding, with 700,000 children at risk of missing out on education.

The international response has been significant but insufficient, with only 45% of needed funds secured by mid-2024. Humanitarian organizations continue to provide vital assistance, but the needs far exceed available resources. Immediate and sustained international support is essential to prevent further deterioration and aid millions of vulnerable people.




The escalating security situation in Lebanon has heightened the need for immediate humanitarian assistance, particular in food security, provision of temporary shelter, NFIs, hygiene kits remain crucial. WASH programs remain critical, as communities have little to no access to water services in remote locations. Action For Humanity will be targeting these areas for the first phase of the emergency.

Our teams are on the ground and prepared, and have been since May 2024. Our response plan:

- Food Security: Targeting displaced families in Saida and the south with ready-to-eat meals and food parcels. Our aim will be focusing on 1 shelter for now and upscale as funding increases.

- WASH: Providing potable water, water for domestic use, and distributing hygiene kits, dignity kits, and diapers for elder people and children, sanitation towels for women etc.

- NFIs: Distributing blankets, mattresses, and pillows. 



A harsh economic downturn has stripped many of the ability to meet basic needs in Lebanon, leading to widespread deprivation and negative coping mechanisms.

As of March 2023, around 80% of Lebanese and non-Lebanese lived below the relative poverty line, with 36% living in extreme poverty. Recently, Lebanon has seen an increase in hostilities, with Israeli airstrikes extending beyond the southern border and targeting residential houses, shops, and civilian infrastructure.

This severe conflict endangers hundreds of refugees and thousands of residents, forcing them to flee and seek shelter, often lacking basic necessities like hygiene and food items.

Please donate to assist us in our emergency response in Lebanon.


Lebanon Emergency Appeal - FAQ

Your support can make a life-saving difference. Below, we have provided answers to frequently asked questions about the situation and how you can help. Every contribution counts towards helping families survive and rebuild their lives in these difficult times.

What is the current situation in Lebanon?

Lebanon is currently experiencing severe economic and humanitarian crises. Widespread poverty, economic downturns, and the ongoing conflict with Israel have resulted in significant casualties and displacement. Over 80% of the population is living in poverty, and nearly 36% are in extreme poverty. Recent escalations have left thousands of people in need of immediate assistance, including food, water, shelter, and medical care.

What are the key challenges facing Lebanon?

  • Food Insecurity: Over half of the population is struggling to access food due to disrupted supply chains and a lack of purchasing power.
  • Healthcare: The healthcare system is severely under-resourced, with hospitals facing critical shortages in supplies, staff, and funding.
  • Education: Many schools are closed due to lack of funding, putting around 700,000 children at risk of missing out on education.

How many people are affected by the current crisis?

As of now, approximately 2.5 million people, including Lebanese citizens, Syrian refugees, and Palestinian refugees, require urgent assistance. The number of displaced individuals is expected to reach 70,000 in the coming days due to the intensifying conflict.

What are the main humanitarian needs?

Immediate needs include:

  • Food security: Ready-to-eat meals and food parcels for displaced families.
  • WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene): Clean water, hygiene kits, and dignity kits for vulnerable communities.
  • Non-food items (NFIs): Distribution of essential items like blankets, mattresses, and hygiene supplies.

How is the international community responding?

The international response has been substantial but insufficient, with only 45% of the needed funds secured by mid-2024. Humanitarian organizations, including Action For Humanity, are providing critical assistance, but the gap in resources continues to pose challenges for fully addressing the crisis.

What Does One Do About Missed Zakat Payments?

If you have missed Zakat payments over the years, then you must make a calculated estimate of the Zakat missed for each year and pay it accordingly. 

What is Action For Humanity's response plan?

Action For Humanity is focused on:

  • Food Security: Providing food parcels and ready-to-eat meals.
  • WASH: Ensuring access to potable water and distributing hygiene kits.
  • Shelter and NFIs: Supplying blankets, mattresses, and other essential items to displaced individuals. The fund target for these efforts is £500,000.

How can I help?

You can support the Lebanon Emergency Appeal by making a donation. Your contribution will go directly toward providing food, water, shelter, and other essential services to those affected by the crisis.

Where will my donation go?

Donations will be used to provide immediate relief in the form of food security, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), and non-food items (NFIs) for those most affected by the conflict. Our team is also working on securing additional funding and scaling up the response as needed.

Funds raised for the Lebanon Emergency Appeal may be allocated to provide relief and support to affected areas in Lebanon, Gaza, or Yemen, depending on the evolving needs and humanitarian crises in these regions. We strive to ensure that all contributions are directed towards the most urgent and impactful interventions.

What areas are being targeted for aid?

Our initial focus is on the Saida region and southern Lebanon, where we aim to provide food parcels and ready-to-eat meals to displaced families. As more funds become available, the response will expand to other affected areas.

Is there a risk of aid disruption?

While current programs are largely operational, the evolving security situation means that some vulnerable areas may see disruptions. Remote work and operational adjustments are being explored to ensure continued delivery of aid.

What are the next steps in the response?

Action For Humanity is continuously monitoring the security situation and updating our risk assessments. Our priority is to implement life-saving aid, secure more funding, and maintain open communication with our partners and stakeholders.