Action For Humanity’s Board of Trustees acts to ensure that we never lose sight of the better world we are working to create.
Meet our leadership team
Every donation has the potential to change a life and save a life, that is why we ensure that donor money is used to best serve those in need. Action For Humanity’s Board of Trustees acts to ensure that we never lose sight of the better world we are working to create.
Ensuring the expected standards of governance, accountability and transparency are met.
Approving budgets, audited financial statements and governance policies.
Ensuring all laws, rules, regulations and policies - including those addressing conflicts of interests and ethics, are rigorously followed.
Providing general oversight and creating a culture of excellence within the organisation.
Ensuring that the charity remains focused on its mission, adapting strategies to align with emerging needs and opportunities.
Championing values that reflect the organisation’s commitment to integrity, equity, and diversity in all its activities.